The postdoc will play an active role in both the field component of this project and the
data synthesis effort. Potential activities include operation and interpretation of eddy
covariance flux (methane, carbon dioxide) measurements, supervising personnel and
interfacing with other team members making measurements of isotopes, soils, vegetation,
and associated environmental measurements. The postdoc will be expected to organize,
analyze, and maintain large data sets generated from a number of sensors and gas
exchange measurement systems, and participate in data analysis and publications.

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Candidates with a background in climate science, biogeochemistry, ecosystem ecology,
plant or soil science are encouraged to apply. Experience with gas exchange, eddy
covariance equipment, Campbell data loggers, R programming, data and metadata
processing would be essential. The postdoc will generally spend some large portion of
time during the field season in Alaska working with the field project, and winters spent in
Flagstaff, AZ on networking and data synthesis.

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A Post-doctoral Scholarship is available at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Umeå, Sweden, for exploring rewetting effects on the greenhouse gas balance of historically drained peatland forests in boreal Sweden.

At present, the question on how to manage these historically drained boreal landscapes in a climate-smart way is a critical issue within Fennoscandia. This project is part of larger recently funded multi-disciplinary research framework that aims at addressing this question at the recently established Bullmark Experimental Rewetting infrastructure.

The project will be based on conducting Eddy Covariance and chamber flux measurements of CO2 and CH4 exchanges, combined with estimates of aquatic carbon export and a suit of supporting soil and vegetation measurements.

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Candidates with a background in climate science, biogeochemistry, ecosystem ecology,
plant or soil science are encouraged to apply. The postdoc will play an active role in both the field component of this project and the
data synthesis effort. Potential activities include operation and interpretation of eddy
covariance flux (methane, carbon dioxide) measurements, supervising personnel and
interfacing with other team members making measurements of isotopes, soils, vegetation,
and associated environmental measurements.

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The postdoc will play an active role in both the field component of this project and the
data synthesis effort. Candidates with a background in climate science, biogeochemistry, ecosystem ecology, or plant or soil science are encouraged to apply. Experience with working and living in
rugged field conditions is preferable.

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The FastPheno project is soliciting applications for a postdoctoral position at the University of Toronto.
The individual will be working as part of a larger team including researchers from the University of Toronto, Université Laval, Natural Resources Canada, and the Ministry of Forests, Fauna and Parcs of Quebec. Our team combines the next generation of high-throughput drone-based phenotyping platforms, plant ecophysiological and genomics approaches to better understand forest dynamics and tree resilience to climate change impacts. The successful candidate will be based in Toronto and work in an interdisciplinary team of researchers of the four participating organizations in a highly collaborative environment.

If you have a background or interest in one or several of the following areas, you should send us your application: High resolution image classification, remote sensing of vegetation, data sciences, computer sciences, bioinformatics, statistical modelling, environmental sciences, ecophysiology of plants, and ecology of trees.
Potential applicants should send their CV, a list with the names and contact information of 2-3 references and a max. one1 page motivation letter in a single PDF file to [email protected]. Use the words Application Postdoc High Resolution Imagery in the subject line of your email. The review of applications will commence immediately until the position is filled.

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The Gomez-Casanovas Lab seeks a highly motivated full-time Postdoctoral Research Associate with interest in improving the environmental sustainability of bioenergy crops. Please check for more information:

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