Welcome to the Site Information page. Here you can find information for tower sites that participate in the FLUXNET2015 Dataset, such as the site general information, a list of site-years of data, and data documentation. For a comprehensive list of the historical and/or active FLUXNET sites, please refer to the FLUXNET-ORNL and/or Regional Network websites. Over the years, there have been more than ~900 sites worldwide registered as members of the flux research community (History of FLUXNET).
For each tower site included in the FLUXNET2015 Dataset, you can also find a site-specific information page that provides the site general information (e.g., site ID, team, location, climate, vegetation, relevant publications) as provided by the tower site teams and regional networks — see site list for links to individual site information.
Please note that not all registered FLUXNET sites are included in the FLUXNET2015 Dataset, which has three releases: December 2015 (137 sites included), July 2016 (additional 28 sites), and November 2016 (additional 47 sites, total 212 sites). For data availability, please refer to the page here. Also, please contact us if you find any error in the Site Information page.

Figure 1. Summary of tower sites that are registered in FLUXNET (open bars) and included in the FLUXNET2015 Dataset (closed bars). “Registered sites” represent sites that have been registered in fluxnet.org, FLUXNET-ORNL, AmeriFlux, ICOS, AsiaFlux, OzFlux, or ChinaFlux. Sites are grouped by regions (b-g) and vegetation classification (h-n) (IGBP: International Geosphere–Biosphere Programme). Forest: ENF+DBF+EBF+MF, Grassland: GRA, Cropland: CRO+CVM, Wetland: WET, Shrubland: OSH+CSH, Savanna: SAV+WSA, Other: BSV+URB+WAT+SNO (last updated in February, 2017)
The following pages detail these aspects:
- How to register/update a FLUXNET site
- Site list of FLUXNET2015 Dataset
- Search sites in FLUXNET2015 Dataset (coming soon)
(last updated February, 2017)