PI: Werner Kutsch [email protected] - University of Helsinki
AncContact: Lutz Merbold [email protected] - Institute of Plant, Animal, and Agroecosystem Sciences at ETH Zurich
Lat, Long: -15.4391, 23.2525
Elevation(m): 1053
Network Affiliations: CarboAfrica
Vegetation IGBP: DBF (Deciduous Broadleaf Forests: Lands dominated by woody vegetation with a percent cover >60% and height exceeding 2 meters. Consists of broadleaf tree communities with an annual cycle of leaf-on and leaf-off periods.)
Climate Koeppen:
Mean Annual Temp (°C): 25
Mean Annual Precip. (mm): 945
Years Data Collected: 2000 - Present
Years Data Available:

FLUXNET2015 2000 - 2009   Data Citation

Local woodland that undergoes some primitive harvesting for subsistence. Adjacent to the massive Zambezi River flood plain in western Zambia Affiliated ...
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Research Topics:

Use the information below for citation of this site. See the Data Policy page for more details.

DOI(s) for citing ZM-Mon data

Data Use Policy:

This site’s data can also be used under the more restrictive Tier 2 policy.
The Tier 2 Policy must be followed if ZM-Mon data are combined with data from sites that require the Tier 2 Policy.

Publication(s) for citing site characterization

  • Merbold, L., Ardö, J., Arneth, A., Scholes, R. J., Nouvellon, Y., Grandcourt, A. de, Archibald, S., Bonnefond, J. M., Boulain, N., Brueggemann, N., Bruemmer, C., Cappelaere, B., Ceschia, E., El-Khidir, H. A. M., El-Tahir, B. A., Falk, U., Lloyd, J., Kergoat, L., Dantec, V. L., Mougin, E., Muchinda, M., Mukelabai, M. M., Ramier, D., Roupsard, O., Timouk, F., Veenendaal, E. M. and Kutsch, W. L.: Precipitation as driver of carbon fluxes in 11 African ecosystems, Biogeosciences, 6(6), 1027–1041, 2009b..


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 Showing {{startItem + 1}} to {{(startItem + items) > filtered.length ? filtered.length : (startItem + items)}} of {{filtered.length}} results  Showing 0 to 0 of 0 results
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Date Name Data Product Version Intended Use Intended Use Description Download Count
{{dlObject.timeStamp}} {{dlObject.displayName}} {{displayProduct(dlObject.dataProduct)}} {{dlObject.version}} {{dlObject.intendedUse}} {{dlObject.comment}} {{dlObject.downloadCounter}}
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Date Name Data Product Vers. Intended Use Intended Use Description Download Count
{{dlObject.timeStamp}} {{dlObject.displayName}} {{displayProduct(dlObject.dataProduct)}} {{dlObject.version}} {{dlObject.intendedUse}} {{dlObject.comment}} {{dlObject.downloadCounter}}

 Showing {{startItem + 1}} to {{(startItem + items) > filtered.length ? filtered.length : (startItem + items)}} of {{filtered.length}} results

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