PI: Bob Scholes [email protected] - University of the Witwatersrand
AncContact: Sally Archibald [email protected] - University of the Witwatersrand
Lat, Long: -25.0197, 31.4969
Elevation(m): 359
Network Affiliations: CarboAfrica
Vegetation IGBP: SAV (Savannas: Lands with herbaceous and other understory systems, and with forest canopy cover between 10-30%. The forest cover height exceeds 2 meters.)
Climate Koeppen:
Mean Annual Temp (°C): 21.9
Mean Annual Precip. (mm): 547
Years Data Collected: 2001 - Present
Years Data Available:

FLUXNET2015 2000 - 2013   Data Citation

Affiliated with AERONET, South Africa National Parks, ARREX. Much flora/fauna research. Met station nearby. LAI, fAPAR, reflectance, shortwave and PAR ...
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Research Topics:

Use the information below for citation of this site. See the Data Policy page for more details.

DOI(s) for citing ZA-Kru data

Data Use Policy:

The Tier 2 Policy must be followed if ZA-Kru data are combined with data from other sites.

Publication(s) for citing site characterization

  • Archibald, S. A., Kirton, A., Merwe, M. R. van der, Scholes, R. J., Williams, C. A. and Hanan, N.: Drivers of inter-annual variability in Net Ecosystem Exchange in a semi-arid savanna ecosystem, South Africa, Biogeosciences, 6(2), 251–266, 2009..


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 Showing {{startItem + 1}} to {{(startItem + items) > filtered.length ? filtered.length : (startItem + items)}} of {{filtered.length}} results  Showing 0 to 0 of 0 results
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Date Name Data Product Version Intended Use Intended Use Description Download Count
{{dlObject.timeStamp}} {{dlObject.displayName}} {{displayProduct(dlObject.dataProduct)}} {{dlObject.version}} {{dlObject.intendedUse}} {{dlObject.comment}} {{dlObject.downloadCounter}}
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Date Name Data Product Vers. Intended Use Intended Use Description Download Count
{{dlObject.timeStamp}} {{dlObject.displayName}} {{displayProduct(dlObject.dataProduct)}} {{dlObject.version}} {{dlObject.intendedUse}} {{dlObject.comment}} {{dlObject.downloadCounter}}

 Showing {{startItem + 1}} to {{(startItem + items) > filtered.length ? filtered.length : (startItem + items)}} of {{filtered.length}} results

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