Postdoctoral position
We offer of postdoctoral contract for 1 year, extendable until 30/11/2024, to apply Atmospheric Eddy Covariance techniques in marshes and intertidal zones in the project “Rewilding saltmarshes to increase carbon sequestration, biodiversity and coastal adaptation to climate change as a nature based solution” (RICAS). RICAS is a project funded by the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
What do we need?
We are looking for a PhD candidate with proven experience in the Eddy Covariance technique to study CO2 fluxes in the intertidal biological communities of Bay of Cadiz saltmarshes.
The candidate will be responsible for setting up a new eddy covariance tower (ECV) with the aim of quantifying CO2 fluxes and evaluating the potential of saltmarsh rewilding, as a nature-based solution to mitigate the increase in atmospheric CO2 and climate change. The information obtained with the ECV will be compared with other techniques such as microsensors and incubations of benthic chambers in situ and sediment cores in the laboratory, in which our laboratory has great experience. The information obtained will be scaled up to the entire Bay using hyperspectral images obtained by drones and multispectral images by satellites, by researchers collaborating in the project.
The candidate should start as soon as possible (earliest expected date is late May or early June, which depends on the selection process).
The selected candidate will join the Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry Group of the Department of Biology of the University of Cádiz (, under the supervision of Alfonso Corzo and Sokratis Papaspyrou.
– The candidate must have demonstrable experience (scientific articles, courses, etc.) in the atmospheric Eddy Covariance technique preferably in wetlands and marshes.
– Experience in other techniques related to Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry in wetlands and marshes will be highly valued.
– Must have good knowledge of written and spoken English (scientific level).
How to apply?
The contract offer is published in English and Spanish in the University of Cádiz website ( Please look ANEXO Junio 2023 in the previous link. The call will open from 21 to 30 of June.