The impact of management on the carbon and net GHG balance of grasslands has been extensively studied, and continues to be monitored and investigated at a number of flux tower stations worldwide, but field-scale micrometeorological flux measurements are extremely sparse for NH3.
The French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment (INRAE) has a 1-year post-doctoral position open at Rennes, France. The position will support two on-going projects aiming to better quantify – and understand the processes controlling – GHG fluxes and NH3 emissions over grazed grassland, using a range of micrometeorological techniques and chamber measurements, as well as biogeochemical and surface-atmosphere exchange.
Send by mail to [email protected], in a
single PDF document:
– a 1-page cover letter explaining your motivation for
applying for this position, how your prior research
experience qualifies you for the job;
– a CV, including a publication list and a description of
relevant skills;
– names and contact details for two references.
Deadline for applications: 01 May 2022