FLUXNET Workshops

The FLUXNET Coordination Project offers financial support for two FLUXNET-related scientific workshops per year (workshops must be held within the United States). Workshops can be planned and led by anyone, and core components of the workshop goals must include the use, interpretation, and/or extension of eddy flux observations, or development of the FLUXNET community. We strongly encourage workshops to be co-led by scientists of different career stages, and by partnerships between different institutions. The FLUXNET Co-op will provide financial and promotional support. The FLUXNET Co-op has a broad mission to expand collaborative connections within the FLUXNET community, and is therefore open to a wide range of potential workshop topics and structures. Workshops could be narrowly focused on a particular topic and function like a goal-oriented working group. Workshops can also be more broadly focused on presenting and discussing flux-related research.

The FLUXNET Co-op will also consider funding critical augmentations to existing workshops. For existing workshops, applicants must clearly explain why additional funds from FLUXNET are necessary to advance their workshop goals.

Sponsorship financial details: The FLUXNET Coordination Project will provide up to $19,000 to support each workshop. This includes $8,250 to support travel for 3 domestic and 2 international workshop participants, up to $10,000 towards the venue rental, and up to $800 for miscellaneous supplies.

Selection criteria:

-Preference given to workshops co-led by an early career researcher and scientist/s of more advanced career stages.
-Workshops designed to support the FLUXNET 2025 data initiative are encouraged to apply. See here for more details: https://fluxnet.org/fluxnet-data-system/
-The extent to which the proposed workshop would broaden or deepen FLUXNET connections.
-Scientific merit of proposed research topic
-Proposed goals and desired outcome for the workshop
-High potential for positive outcome (ie: thoughtfully planned)

Expectation of award recipients: Workshop sponsorship recipients will be expected to write a brief workshop report, and be willing to present on the process or outcome of their workshop at a FLUXNET-related meeting (meeting time and details to-be-determined)

Upcoming Workshops:

(2025 workshop pages coming soon)

Previously funded Workshops:

FLUXNET-CH4 V2.0 Data Processing

The Great Thermal Bake-Off (2024)

Linking Optical and Energy Fluxes Workshop (2023)

Early Career Network Workshop (2023)