Sign-Up: Complete this form to join the working group.
Committee Lead(s): Jen Diehl ([email protected]), Christopher Still ([email protected])
Committee Members: Andrew Richardson, Bharat Rastogi, and Mostafa Javadian
Mission and Goals:
The purpose of the Thermal Imaging Working Group (TIWG) is to facilitate the installation and utilization of thermal imaging across flux sites and provide a dedicated platform for ongoing communication, data sharing, and collaborative research in thermal imaging, fostering connections that lead to tangible, long-term collaborations. The TIWG will help lay the groundwork for establishing new thermal imaging capabilities to better understand how leaf and canopy temperature measurements enable a new understanding of ecosystem function. This work will be pursued via the following activities: (1) reach out to flux site PIs to discuss interest in establishing thermal imaging at their sites, (2) establishment of best practices in thermal imaging measurements and analyses across sites; and (3) applied case studies at existing sites to demonstrate the value of thermal imaging as well as coordination of cross-site synthesis studies. While the TIWG cannot provide funding, it will actively promote synergies with ongoing grants and young investigators, as well as the development of new grants related to project activities as described above.
Expectations of participants:
• Adhere to the Ameriflux Code of Conduct
• Attend quarterly meetings, ready to engage, if your schedule allows.
• Actively engage in working group activities as they arise, such as preparing and analyzing community surveys, developing software solutions, organizing workshops and grants, and collaborating with other committees and the FLUXNET Community Council.
Quarterly meetings will be held via Zoom, with times scheduled to accommodate various time zones. Ad hoc meetings or consultations with subsets of the TIWG may also be convened as necessary to advance specific tasks, including during national and international conferences like AGU and EGU. TIWG members are also expected to participate in the annual community-wide webinar.
Thermal Papers:
We are compiling a collection of relevant thermal research papers for sharing and learning. You can find the papers here.
If you have a paper you’d like to contribute, please email it to Jen at [email protected]
Known Thermal Imagery Data at Flux Sites:

We are actively working to compile a list of flux sites with existing thermal imagery. Please see the linked metadata sheet for site-specific information.
If you know of a site that should be added, kindly email Jen at [email protected]
Recent Activities:
A successful workshop was held in August 2024. Read more about it here.

Andrew Richardson
Northern Arizona University
bio website

Bharat Rastogi
University of Colorado Boulder
bio website

Christopher Still
Oregon State University
bio website

Jen Diehl
Northern Arizona University