CA-TP3: Ontario - Turkey Point 1974 Plantation White Pine

PI: M. Altaf Arain [email protected] - McMaster University
DataManager: Jason J. Brodeur [email protected] - McMaster University
Lat, Long: 42.7068, -80.3483
Elevation(m): 184
Network Affiliations: AmeriFlux, Fluxnet-Canada, Phenocam
Vegetation IGBP: ENF (Evergreen Needleleaf Forests: Lands dominated by woody vegetation with a percent cover >60% and height exceeding 2 meters. Almost all trees remain green all year. Canopy is never without green foliage.)
Climate Koeppen: Dfb (Warm Summer Continental: significant precipitation in all seasons )
Mean Annual Temp (°C): 8
Mean Annual Precip. (mm): 1036
Years Data Collected: 2003 - Present
Years Data Available:

FLUXNET2015 2002 - 2014   Data Citation

Description: White pine plantation established in 1974 over sandy abandoned land
Research Topics:

CA-TP3: Ontario - Turkey Point 1974 Plantation White Pine

Use the information below for citation of this site. See the Data Policy page for more details.

DOI(s) for citing CA-TP3 data

Data Use Policy:

This site’s data can also be used under the more restrictive Tier 2 policy.
The Tier 2 Policy must be followed if CA-TP3 data are combined with data from sites that require the Tier 2 Policy.

Publication(s) for citing site characterization

  • Arain, M. A., Restrepo-Coupe, N. (2005) Net Ecosystem Production In A Temperate Pine Plantation In Southeastern Canada, Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 128(3-4), 223-241.
  • Arain, M.A., Xu, B., Brodeur, J.J., Khomik, M., Peichl, M., Beamesderfer, E., Restrepo‑Coupe, N., Thorne, R. (2022) Heat and drought impact on carbon exchange in an age‑sequence of temperate pine forests, Ecological Processes, 11(7), 108350.
  • Arain, M.A., Xu, B., Brodeur, J.J., Khomik, M., Peichl, M., Beamesderfer, E., Restrepo‑Coupe, N., Thorne, R. (2022) Heat and drought impact on carbon exchange in an age‑sequence of temperate pine forests, Ecological Processes, 11(7), 9275–9287.
  • Bodo, A. V., Arain, M. A. (2022) Effects Of Variable Retention Harvesting On Canopy Transpiration In A Red Pine Plantation Forest, Ecological Processes, 11(1), 4100-4113.
  • Chen, J. M., Govind, A., Sonnentag, O., Zhang, Y., Barr, A., Amiro, B. (2006) Leaf Area Index Measurements At Fluxnet-Canada Forest Sites, Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 140(1-4), 257-268.
  • Chu, H., Baldocchi, D. D., Poindexter, C., Abraha, M., Desai, A. R., Bohrer, G., Arain, M. A., Griffis, T., Blanken, P. D., O'Halloran, T. L., Thomas, R. Q., Zhang, Q., Burns, S. P., Frank, J. M., Christian, D., Brown, S., Black, T. A., Gough, C. M., Law, B. E., Lee, X., Chen, J., Reed, D. E., Massman, W. J., Clark, K., Hatfield, J., Prueger, J., Bracho, R., Baker, J. M., Martin, T. A. (2018) Temporal Dynamics Of Aerodynamic Canopy Height Derived From Eddy Covariance Momentum Flux Data Across North American Flux Networks, Geophysical Research Letters, 45(1), 9275–9287.
  • Chu, H., Luo, X., Ouyang, Z., Chan, W. S., Dengel, S., Biraud, S. C., Torn, M. S., Metzger, S., Kumar, J., Arain, M. A., Arkebauer, T. J., Baldocchi, D., Bernacchi, C., Billesbach, D., Black, T. A., Blanken, P. D., Bohrer, G., Bracho, R., Brown, S., Brunsell, N. A., Chen, J., Chen, X., Clark, K., Desai, A. R., Duman, T., Durden, D., Fares, S., Forbrich, I., Gamon, J. A., Gough, C. M., Griffis, T., Helbig, M., Hollinger, D., Humphreys, E., Ikawa, H., Iwata, H., Ju, Y., Knowles, J. F., Knox, S. H., Kobayashi, H., Kolb, T., Law, B., Lee, X., Litvak, M., Liu, H., Munger, J. W., Noormets, A., Novick, K., Oberbauer, S. F., Oechel, W., Oikawa, P., Papuga, S. A., Pendall, E., Prajapati, P., Prueger, J., Quinton, W. L., Richardson, A. D., Russell, E. S., Scott, R. L., Starr, G., Staebler, R., Stoy, P. C., Stuart-Haëntjens, E., Sonnentag, O., Sullivan, R. C., Suyker, A., Ueyama, M., Vargas, R., Wood, J. D., Zona, D. (2021) Representativeness Of Eddy-Covariance Flux Footprints For Areas Surrounding Ameriflux Sites, Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 301-302(1), 108350.
  • Coursolle, C., Margolis, H. A., Barr, A. G., Black, T. A., Amiro, B. D., McCaughey, J. H., Flanagan, L. B., Lafleur, P. M., Roulet, N. T., Bourque, C. P., Arain, M. A., Wofsy, S. C., Dunn, A., Morgenstern, K., Orchansky, A. L., Bernier, P. Y., Chen, J. M., Kidston, J., Saigusa, N., Hedstrom, N. (2006) Late-Summer Carbon Fluxes From Canadian Forests And Peatlands Along An East-–West Continental Transect, Canadian Journal Of Forest Research, 36(3), 783-800.
  • Coursolle, C., Margolis, H., Giasson, M., Bernier, P., Amiro, B., Arain, M., Barr, A., Black, T., Goulden, M., McCaughey, J., Chen, J., Dunn, A., Grant, R., Lafleur, P. (2012) Influence Of Stand Age On The Magnitude And Seasonality Of Carbon Fluxes In Canadian Forests, Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 165(7-8), 136-148.
  • Khomik, M., Arain, M. A., Brodeur, J. J., Peichl, M., Restrepo-Coupé, N., McLaren, J. D. (2010) Relative Contributions Of Soil, Foliar, And Woody Tissue Respiration To Total Ecosystem Respiration In Four Pine Forests Of Different Ages, Journal Of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 115(G03024), n/a-n/a.
  • McKenzie, S. M., Pisaric, M. F., Arain, M. A. (2021) Comparison Of Tree-Ring Growth And Eddy Covariance-Based Ecosystem Productivities In Three Different-Aged Pine Plantation Forests, Trees, 35(2), 583-595.
  • McLaren, J. D., Arain, M.A., Khomik, M., Peichl, M., Brodeur, J. (2008) Water Flux Components And Soil Water-Atmospheric Controls In A Temperate Pine Forest Growing In A Well-Drained Sandy Soil, Journal Of Geophysical Research, 113(G4), n/a-n/a.
  • Peichl, M., Arain, M. A. (2006) Above- And Belowground Ecosystem Biomass And Carbon Pools In An Age-Sequence Of Temperate Pine Plantation Forests, Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 140(1-4), 51-63.
  • Peichl, M., Arain, M. A. (2007) Allometry And Partitioning Of Above- And Belowground Tree Biomass In An Age-Sequence Of White Pine Forests, Forest Ecology And Management, 253(1-3), 68-80.
  • Peichl, M., Arain, M. A., Brodeur, J. J. (2010) Age Effects On Carbon Fluxes In Temperate Pine Forests, Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 150(7-8), 1090-1101.
  • Peichl, M., Arain, M.A., Ullah, S., Moore, T. (2010) Carbon Dioxide, Methane, And Nitrous Oxide Exchanges In An Age-Sequence Of Temperate Pine Forests, Global Change Biology, 16(8), 2198-2212.
  • Peichl, M., Brodeur, J. J., Khomik, M., Arain, M. A. (2010) Biometric And Eddy-Covariance Based Estimates Of Carbon Fluxes In An Age-Sequence Of Temperate Pine Forests, Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 150(7-8), 952-965.
  • Peichl, M., Moore, T. R., Arain, M. A., Dalva, M., Brodkey, D., McLaren, J. (2007) Concentrations And Fluxes Of Dissolved Organic Carbon In An Age-Sequence Of White Pine Forests In Southern Ontario, Canada, Biogeochemistry, 86(1), 1-17.
  • Restrepo, N. C., Arain, M. A. (2005) Energy And Water Exchanges From A Temperate Pine Plantation Forest, Hydrological Processes, 19(1), 27-49.
  • Skubel, R. A., Khomik, M., Brodeur, J. J., Thorne, R., Arain, M. A. (2017) Short‐Term Selective Thinning Effects On Hydraulic Functionality Of A Temperate Pine Forest In Eastern Canada, Ecohydrology, 10(1), e1780.
  • Skubel, R., Arain, M. A., Peichl, M., Brodeur, J. J., Khomik, M., Thorne, R., Trant, J., Kula, M. (2015) Age Effects On The Water-Use Efficiency And Water-Use Dynamics Of Temperate Pine Plantation Forests, Hydrological Processes, 29(18), 4100-4113.
  • Xu, B., Arain, M. A., Black, T. A., Law, B. E., Pastorello, G. Z., Chu, H. (2020) Seasonal Variability Of Forest Sensitivity To Heat And Drought Stresses: A Synthesis Based On Carbon Fluxes From North American Forest Ecosystems, Global Change Biology, 26(2), 901-918.
  • Yuan, F., Arain, M. A., Barr, A. G., Black, T. A., Bourque, C. P., Coursolle, C., Margolis, H. A., Mccaughey, J. H., Wofsy, S. C. (2008) Modeling Analysis Of Primary Controls On Net Ecosystem Productivity Of Seven Boreal And Temperate Coniferous Forests Across A Continental Transect, Global Change Biology, 14(8), 1765-1784.


CA-TP3: Ontario - Turkey Point 1974 Plantation White Pine

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