Center for Ecosystem Science and Society seeks PhD and MS students
We’re recruiting PhD and MS students at the Center for Ecosystem Science and Society at Northern Arizona University.
A PhD student position for exploring peatland greenhouse gas exchanges is available at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management, SLU, Sweden. The main goal of this PhD project is to improve our understanding of the peatland net CO2 and CH4 exchanges as well as their separate component fluxes (i.e. production, consumption and respiration) in response to climate and vegetation controls. The project is based on high temporal resolution measurements of these underlying component fluxes using an automated chamber system supported by a comprehensive suit of environmental and vegetation data. See the attached pdf of the advertisement for more details.
A PhD student position for exploring peatland methane (CH4) exchanges is available at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management, SLU. The goal of this PhD project is to improve our understanding of the peatland CH4 exchanges in response to climate and vegetation controls. The project is based on eddy covariance CH4 flux and environmental measurements in four adjacent boreal peatland sites.
This PhD studentship is mostly about global change with a focus on denitrification and N2O emission from forest soils! Fully funded through the NERCs’ Centa DTP and the deadline is Jan. 22nd, 2018.
Available to EU/UK citizens only! To apply
If interested don’t hesitate to contact ([email protected]).