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OzFlux Data Workshop

A workshop focused on all aspects of eddy covariance data processing. Learn how to process eddy covariance data from raw 10 (or 20) Hz into 30-minute averages, apply quality assurance and quality checking routines (QA/QC), gap fill, and partition net ecosystem exchange (NEE) into gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER).

AGU 2020 Session – Surface-Atmosphere Interactions: From Single Flux Measurements to Integrated Synthesis

We would like to invite you to contribute abstracts to the AGU 2020 Fall Meeting session: Surface-Atmosphere Interactions: From Single Flux Measurements to Integrated Synthesis The abstract submission deadline is Wednesday, 29 July 2020, 11:59pm ET.   This year’s Fall Meeting will be mostly virtual. Without the need for travel, please consider contributing your... More

Abstracts deadline: AGU session cluster on Surface-Atmosphere Interactions

Sn Francisco, California San Francisco

We invite you to submit your abstracts to an AGU Fall Meeting 2019 session cluster on Surface-Atmosphere Interactions. We encourage contributions from scientists on recent advances in the following three areas: Scaling: This session will be on research linking surface flux observations to gridded atmospheric models, with particular interest in how surface heterogeneity affects the... More