Committee leads: Ana Maria Restrepo Acevedo, Tyler Roman, David Moore ([email protected])
The mission of the education subcommittee of the FLUXNET coop is to encourage and develop educational and training opportunities that FLUXNET provides to support a diverse cohort of future international scientific leaders. FLUXNET is grass roots network that comprises academic, government and private sector stakeholders and the educational mission can be advanced through formal and informal educational activities.
The formal educational efforts will build on the development of inclusive educational materials including syllabi, formal lessons plans and hands on experiences and may extend to supporting the sharing of educational materials, strategies, and approaches across FLUXNET members through short courses, or term time graduate or undergraduate courses.
Informal educational efforts will concentrate on developing connections between and within member networks. FLUXNET Co-op’s secondment program, fluxcourse and the many networking opportunities at national meetings (AGU, ESA, Ameriflux, AMS et) afford many possibilities for informal mentoring and encouragement of early career researchers to participate in the development of research.
The education committee will meet at least quarterly to discuss opportunities, coordinate actions and track progress. Members of the committee are expected to be actively involved in one or more initiative advanced by the education committee – this may include programs geared towards early career development, cross network educational efforts, webinars or the production of educational materials.

Ana Maria Restrepo Acevedo
Indiana University, Bloomington
bio website

David Moore
The University of Arizona
bio website

Kyle Delwiche
FLUXNET Community Council Deputy Director
University of California, Berkeley
bio website