This year’s Ameriflux Annual Meeting began with something different. The Early Career Network (FLUXNET-ECN, previously FLUXNET-YSN) kicked off the meeting a day early with hands-on workshops. Roughly 40 participants joined… More
Blog – What’s New
Masahito Ueyama is an associate professor of Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences at Osaka Prefecture University in Sakai, Japan. He has been a member of both AsiaFlux and… More
Shenghua Gao wrapped up his appointment as a visiting scholar with the Center for Global Change and Earth Observations at Michigan State University June 28, 2019, after spending nine months… More
Sara Knox is a new assistant professor at the University of British Columbia. She has been a member of the FLUXNET YSN community for several years. Her field sites stretch… More
This month, we are pleased to interview Anne Griebel. Anne is an ecologist that was introduced to flux research during an internship at the USGS while doing her Masters in Physical… More
The fluxcourse is a summer school focusing on land-atmosphere fluxes and it takes place each summer at the University of Colorado Mountain Research Station. You can still apply for this year’s… More
Inviting the entire Arctic chamber flux community to participate on a survey of chamber flux metadata (Link to the survey) on behalf of Marguerite Mauritz, Anna Virkkala, and Ted Schuur Our… More
Inviting the entire flux community to participate! Take the survey. on behalf of co-authors Sara Knox, Rob Jackson, and Ben Poulter As part of a recent Global Carbon Project methane budget… More
This month we interview Kazuhito Ichii — a Professor in the Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (CEReS), Chiba University, Japan. Kazu recently represented AsiaFlux to attend the FLUXNET 2017 workshop, and… More
By Ladislav Šigut, Postdoc, Department of Matter and Energy Fluxes, Global Change Research Institute CAS, Czechia In this blog, we introduce several publicly available software/packages that the flux scientists/engineers have… More