FLUXNET is a global activity collaborated and participated voluntarily by local Tower Teams and Regional Networks. The main contributors to FLUXNET are the local tower teams that collect and share their data (see site list). In addition, the regional network teams invest time and energy for the collection of site information, data harmonization, and data processing to support the FLUXNET (see network list below).
Regional networks supporting the FLUXNET have included, but are not limited to the following :
- AmeriFlux
- AsiaFlux
- BERMS (Boreal Ecosystem Research and Monitoring Sites) (Historical)
- Canadian Carbon Program (Historical)
- CarboAfrica
- CarboEurope (Historical)
- CarboItaly (Historical)
- Carbomont
- ChinaFlux
- EuroFlux (Historical)
- European Fluxes Database (Current database for CarboArica, CarboEurope, CarboItaly, EuroFlux, GreenGrass, IMECC, and TCOS Siberia)
- Fluxnet-Canada (Historical, current data hosted by AmeriFlux)
- GreenGrass (Historical)
- ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System)
- IMECC (Infrastructure for Measurements of the European Carbon Cycle) (Historical)
- IWFLUX (Inland Water Greenhouse Gas FLUX)
- JapanFlux
- KoFlux
- LBA (The Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia)
- MexFlux
- NECC (Nordic Centre for Studies of Ecosystem Carbon Exchange) (Historical)
- OzFlux
- RusFluxNet
- Swiss Fluxnet
- TCOS Siberia (Terrestrial Carbon Observation System Siberia)
- Urban Fluxnet
- USCCC (US-China Carbon Consortium)
(listed alphabetically)