Data Change Log Test

This page lists updates and changes to site data across FLUXNET dataset releases. Retired sites will have explanations submitted by the PIs. For further information, please contact the PIs.

FLUXNET2015 – June 2016

New Sites Added BR-Sa1, CA-NS2, CA-TP1, CA-TP3, CA-TPD, DE-SfN, FR-Fon, IT-BCi, US-Atq, US-Cop, US-KS2, US-LWW, US-Me1, US-Me2, US-NR1, US-PFa, US-SRC, US-SRG, US-Sta, US-Tw1, US-Tw2, US-Twt, US-UMB, US-Wi0, US-Wi3, US-Wi4, US-Wi6, US-Wi9
Updated Sites AU-Dry, BE-Bra, CA-NS1, CZ-BK1, DE-Zrk, DK-Sor, DK-ZaF, DK-ZaH, FR-Pue, GF-Guy, IT-CA1, IT-Cp2, IT-Lav, IT-Noe, RU-Fyo, US-Me6, US-Tw3
Notes 1. All sites have been processed with a new processing version and additional variables have been propagated into the release.

FLUXNET2015 – December 2015

New Sites Added AR-SLu, AR-Vir, AT-Neu, AU-Ade, AU-ASM, AU-Cpr, AU-Cum, AU-DaP, AU-DaS, AU-Dry, AU-Emr, AU-Fog, AU-GWW, AU-RDF, AU-Rig, AU-Rob, AU-Tum, AU-Whr, BE-Bra, BE-Lon, BE-Vie, BR-Sa3, CA-Gro, CA-NS1, CA-NS3, CA-NS4, CA-NS5, CA-NS6, CA-NS7, CA-Qfo, CA-SF1, CA-SF2, CA-SF3, CA-TP2, CG-Tch, CH-Cha, CH-Fru, CH-Oe1, CN-Cha, CN-Cng, CN-Dan, CN-Din, CN-Du2, CN-Du3, CN-Ha2, CN-HaM, CN-Qia, CN-Sw2, CZ-BK1, CZ-BK2, DE-Akm, DE-Gri, DE-Hai, DE-Kli, DE-Lkb, DE-Obe, DE-RuS, DE-Spw, DE-Tha, DE-Zrk, DK-Eng, DK-NuF, DK-Sor, DK-ZaF, DK-ZaH, ES-Amo, ES-LgS, ES-LJu, ES-Ln2, FI-Hyy, FI-Jok, FR-Gri, FR-Pue, GF-Guy, GH-Ank, IT-CA1, IT-CA2, IT-CA3, IT-Cp2, IT-Isp, IT-La2, IT-Lav, IT-Noe, IT-PT1, IT-Ren, IT-Ro1, IT-Ro2, IT-SR2, IT-SRo, IT-Tor, JP-MBF, JP-SMF, MY-PSO, NL-Hor, NL-Loo, NO-Adv, PA-SPn, PA-SPs, RU-Che, RU-Cok, RU-Fyo, RU-Ha1, RU-Sam, RU-SkP, RU-Vrk, SD-Dem, SE-St1, US-AR1, US-AR2, US-ARM, US-Blo, US-CRT, US-Goo, US-Ha1, US-IB2, US-Ivo, US-Lin, US-Los, US-Me6, US-MMS, US-Myb, US-Ne1, US-Ne2, US-Ne3, US-Oho, US-SRM, US-Syv, US-Ton, US-Tw3, US-UMd, US-Var, US-WCr, US-Whs, US-Wkg, US-WPT, ZA-Kru, ZM-Mon
Retired Sites


Date Retired: March 1st 2016


The data from the DK-ZaF site have been removed from the December 2015 release of the FLUXNET2015 data product after the PI discovered an error in the anemometer data acquisition that could have a strong effect on the fluxes. The PI is working to solve the problem and will try to submit the corrected data in time for the next release.