2015 Technical Release

In the context of the FLUXNET synthesis dataset under preparation it has been decided to give access to all the potential users to a “technical release” in order to allow the evaluation of the products under preparation and receive feedback about variables, structure, formats, errors, inconsistencies etc. The dataset includes 45 sites where PIs, sites staff and institutions did huge efforts to submit and assist the data processing team in order to be ready with the best possible products in time for this release. The table of the sites and the contact person (plus some basic information) are available here below.

The goal of the Technical Release is the products evaluation and collection of feedbacks. For this reason, the Release is open to everybody after and easy and automatic registration but it is not designed to perform scientific activities. There are still potential errors, bugs and improvements in processing codes and descriptions that need to be checked and corrected before the data can be used for scientific activities. The first Scientific Beta Release will be in December 2015 (including all the sites ready for that date) with two addendum releases in April and July 2016 and a final release in December 2016.

We invite you to register and download the data in order to test these new products and give feedbacks and suggestions in particular about variables produced, structure and formats of the data, errors in definition, processing and results, inconsistencies among variables, unclear definitions and description of variables and all other feedbacks that you think could help to prepare a better products for December.

Before registering and downloading the data, we ask you to read carefully and accept the short and easy data policy available here: http://technical-release.fluxdata.org/files/data-policy.pdf that regulates the use of this temporary product. We kindly ask you to send your comments and feedbacks to [email protected], preferably by end of October.

The centralized data processing applied is based on codes and formats jointly developed the European Cluster Database and ICOS (http://www.europe-fluxdata.eu) and the U.S. AmeriFlux (http://ameriflux.lbl.gov/) data teams.

The FLUXNET Technical Release Team

Dario Papale (ICOS-AmeriFlux), Deb Agarwal (AmeriFlux), Eleonora Canfora (ICOS), Bob Cook (FLUXNET), Peter Isaac (OzFlux), Gilberto Pastorello (AmeriFlux), Cristina Poindexter (AmeriFlux), Alessio Ribeca (ICOS), Sawako Tanaka (AsiaFlux), Carlo Trotta (ICOS), Leiming Zhang (ChinaFlux)