FLUXNET 2017 Workshop

Date: June 7-9, 2017
Location: David Brower Center, 2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, California, USA
Goals and Objectives
- Foster interactions, data sharing and collaborations among the Fluxnet community
- Describe the attributes and opportunities of the new Fluxnet database
- Discuss status and progress of the regional networks
- Discuss and plan for synthesis of the new and expanded dataset
- Discuss directions of science and future of Flux network science
Organizing Committee
- Housen Chu, UC Berkeley
- Dario Papale, University of Tuscia
- Markus Reichstein, Max Planck Institute of Biogeochemistry
- Margaret Torn, Lawrence Berkeley
- Deb Agarwal, Lawrence Berkeley
- Dennis Baldocchi, UC Berkeley
UC ANR Program Support
- Rachel Palmer
- Sherry Cooper
- Saundra Wais
107 participants (link to participant list)
Poster Abstract
Photo Gallery