The FLUXNET project provides a number of services and products to the contributing and user communities through its development of a new web interface and a revised and expanded database. With a new generation of web tools and software, we aim to make the web interface and data system more interactive and intuitive. The new system will simplify the upload and download of flux, meteorological, and site ancillary data. It will also provide tools to scientists to edit critical site information, to ensure its accuracy and correctness. A summary of the key services and products provided follows:
- Work closely with regional networks (ICOS, AmeriFlux, AsiaFlux, OzFlux, ChinaFlux), compile and curate a global list of contributing flux tower sites, with information on the geographical and biophysical attributes of the sites and the scientists associated with those sites.
- Provide a central, one-stop, portal for the access, sharing, and distribution for current and historical flux, meteorological, biological and ecological data that has been collected across the globe.
- Recruit new flux, meteorological and biophysical data by communicating with participants and leaders of the regional networks
- Expand the scope and breadth of the FLUXNET database through interconnection with new datasets that help explain and integrate the flux data better, in time and space. By working closely with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (FLUXNET-ORNL), we will provide data links to NASA DAAC MODIS cutouts of leaf area index, the PhenoCam phenology network and COSMOS soil moisture network. We intend to incorporate climate records for near-by sites or from re-analysis of weather prediction models. In addition, we are actively seeking inputs of lidar data that may exist, as well as flux data from the understory and soil.
- Contribute to production of the next-generation integrated data sets for synthesis of field data.
- Produce value-added products using highly vetted gap-filling and flux partitioning software. This task will require by verifying, upgrading and automating the software developed by the European team led by Dario Papale and Markus Reichstein, the AmeriFlux Management Project, and the computer science team at Lawrence Berkeley, led by Deb Agarwal and Gilberto Pastorello.
- Evaluate uncertainty in annual sums.
- Re-build and develop the data portal serving the FLUXNET data users and provide direct access to customized user data exploration, download, and support. This portal will significantly upgrade the previous FLUXNET data portal (
- Build the scientific community and foster outreach. This will be accomplished by communicating with participants via the existing email listserver and a new blog. Information reported will include recent publications, sharing of ideas on how to treat problems with data acquisition and processes and assist new investigators by sharing institutional knowledge.
- Provide improved support for communication between data providers and data users. For example, data providers will receive emails when their data are downloaded. Those producing synthesis papers can use email tools to engage with the data providers and solicit their intellectual contributions, ideas, and interpretations. Data version tracking and notification of data changes will be incorporated, too.
- Convene an international FLUXNET workshop or conference on synthesizing flux data and collaborating with modelers and remote sensing scientists.
- Prepare and produce peer-reviewed research papers and reports on FLUXNET activities and analyzes.
- Mentor, foster and encourage young scientists, through the FLUXNET Young Scientist Network. Train the next generation of scientists by participating and teaching at flux short courses or hosting scientists to the FLUXNET office