Posted on behalf of the LBA Project

Two post-doc positions with LBA Project in Manaus, Brazil. For more information, please contact:
Alessandro Araujo and [email protected]


The Coordination of Training based on the Agreement of Technical and Scientific Cooperation between the National Institute of Amazonian Research and the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel – CAPES – Process no. 88887.156153 / 2017-00, launches this call for proposals to select two candidates for postdoctoral fellowships for the LBA Program (Research on Climate and Biogeochemical Cycles of Amazonian Ecosystems). Postdoctoral fellowships will be valid for up to 36 (thirty six) months. The selection process will take place between October 5 and November 5, 2018 and the scholarships will start from March 2018.

The LBA (Research on Climate and Biogeochemical Cycles of Amazon Ecosystems) program linked to INPA/MCTIC, aims to answer three main questions: (1) the changing Amazon environment (processes); (2) the sustainability of environmental services and terrestrial and aquatic production systems (consequences), and (3) climatic and hydrological variability and their dynamics: feedback, mitigation and adaptation (responses).

Candidates must have a PhD in Biological Sciences, Forestry, Physics, Meteorology, Engineering or related areas, with experience in collecting, processing and analyzing data in their respective areas. To have work experience in the development of researches and methodologies that address surface and groundwater systems: Evaluation of the quantity, quality, distribution and dynamics of water resources, restoration and maintenance of water and nutrient circulation patterns, maintenance of instruments, data collection, tabulation and analysis. It is highly desirable that you have experience in hydrological modeling, with water level, flow, soil moisture and precipitation instruments; key curve, water balance, among others. In addition, candidates need to be aware of a data collection and logging platform (programmable logic controller or dataloggers) and domain of some programming language (e.g., Python, Matlab, R, Fortran). The candidate must be able to carry out quality control and data analysis, and organize databases in a format available to other project members. Advanced knowledge in the Microsoft Office suite (word, excel and power point) is desirable. It is desirable that the candidate has experience in integrating databases collected in the experimental sites of the LBA Program, Data Quality Control, organization and storage, analysis of their relations in different time scales, with the hydrological and chemical database. Fluency in English is desirable. The Post-Doc will focus on: (1) hydrological data collection, including biogeochemical processes in micro-basins with forest cover located at the experimental sites of LBA; (2) Data quality control, organization and storage of data, (3) analysis of their relationships between mass and volume of water in soil components, and the dynamics of water resources.

The candidate must have a PhD in Biological Sciences, Forestry Sciences, Physics, Meteorology, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Physics, Ecology of ecosystems or related areas, with experience in collecting, processing and analyzing data in their respective areas. To have experience of working in towers of micrometerological observations (instrument maintenance, data collection, tabulation and analysis), turbulent transport of mass and energy (preferably using the Eddy Covariance technique). It is extremely desirable to have experience with instruments of radiation measurements (short and long waves, photosynthetically active, and diffuse), wind speed and direction (3D anemometers), precipitation, air temperature and humidity, surface temperature (infrared thermometers ), molar concentration of scalars (eg, CO2, H2O, CH4), among others. Additionally, be aware of data collection and registration platform (programmable logic controller or dataloggers) and domain of some programming language (e.g., Python, Matlab, R, Fortran). The candidate must be able to carry out quality control and data analysis, and organize databases in a format available to other project members. Advanced knowledge in the Microsoft Office suite (word, excel and power point) is extremely desirable. It is desirable that the candidate has experience in integrating databases collected from a micrometeorological observation tower, in the organization and storage of such data, in the quality control and certification thereof, in the analysis of their relations at different time scales, in consonance with (biomass, leaf area index, litter production, growth in tree diameter, phenological pattern, among others) and ecophysiology (stomatal conductance, photosynthesis response curves, photorespiration, dark, among others). Fluency in English is desirable. The postdoc’s work will focus on: (1) micrometeorological data collection of the LBA Program tower located in the ZF-2 reserve of INPA; (2) biometric data collection of the permanent plot located next to the tower of the LBA Program in the reserve ZF-2 of INPA; (3) organization and storage of data collected, both in the tower and in the plot, following established protocols; (4) quality control and certification of data collected both in the tower and in the plot following established protocols; (5) analysis of the relationships between micrometeorological data, dynamics and forest phenology; (6) production of scientific articles; (7) make available the database, together with the IT staff of the LBA Program, to the general public.

– To develop original research;
– To plan and conduct research in accordance with the objectives and deadlines of the
– To participate in project meetings, to present seminars and attend relevant
workshops and conferences;
– To write reports and prepare results for publication;
– To cooperate with and / or co-mentor students who work on the topics of the
– To interact with the other members of the laboratory and cooperate with them for
the benefit of the program;
– To help maintain the good working environment.

– Ability to communicate with scientists and researchers from different areas;
– Ability to relate to other researchers and students within the academic context of
teaching and learning;

The candidate is expected to develop new and creative research working solid data collected
in this area. In addition, this position requires fieldwork efforts in remote area.
The scholarship will be 36 months. The monthly amount of the scholarship will be paid by
the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES) in the amount of R
$ 4,100.00 (Four thousand and one hundred reais).
The selected scholarship holders must prove that they have a personal accident insurance
policy, in accordance with the pertinent legal provisions.

Period: October 5 to November 5, 2018
Registration will be done by sending all the documents to the Training Coordination – COCAP at the electronic address: [email protected]
The documents required to register the candidate in the selection process are:
a) Curriculum vitae (CV Lattes address);
b) Proof of Doctoral degree;
c) Letter of motivation of the candidate;
d) Research Project;
e) Two (2) letters of recommendation

– At the time of registration, incomplete documentation will not be accepted;
– It will not be accepted e-mails that are not informing in the subject: Full name and Area for which you want to compete;

Failure to submit ALL the requested documents will lead to INDEFERRED registration application

More information: [email protected]

The documents requested will be used in the evaluation of the candidates, considering the academic excellence of the candidate and the proposal. The selection will be made by the Scientific Technical Committee (CTC), responsible for the coordination and management of the LBA Program and ad hoc advisors appointed by it. The classification will be defined in the descending order of the candidate’s grade. The result will consist in awarding the scholarships to the candidates in the second order presented in the classification. The maximum deadline for expressing the candidate’s interest will be given 5 days after the disclosure of the result. If there are more applicants than scholarships, those who have not been accepted at the first moment will compile a waiting list, provided that they are qualified/selected. In cases of withdrawal, new candidates will be indicated according to the order of classification.

For candidates external to the city of Manaus, an interview will be conducted via Skype and / or other instruments.

The result will be posted on the INPA website at from November 29, 2018.

– The grantee may be removed from his / her function, at any time, in the following cases;
a) At the request of the coordinator, if justified in writing;
b) At the request of the scholarship holder, in writing.

  • Close Date:
  • Additional Dates:
  • Contact: Alessandro Araujo email